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MASTER YOUR METABOLISM – a well oiled journey to better health



…and Yes, it is possible. All personal change starts with you!

As we get old we don’t break, but we do show signs of wear & tear, and that is why we are suggesting some new habits and integrating some new healthy options to support your health, cleanse your bodies, and Master your Metabolism. Ocassionally I will have product recommendations for you and when something you may want to add to your life to make this process easier is needed I may share a link to a product you may want to consider.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Funding with these referral commissions enable me to keep this site going and continue to offer some insight, support and guidance.

Master Your Metabolism. Let’s get started.

A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally. There are a number of oils and supplements from trusted providers that can help support you in your efforts, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

Take the next step in your health journey and learn how to Master Your Metabolism I will be here to help you during this journey!

Our health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness.

While some of these variables are beyond our control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways we can influence, and even control significant factors of aging and wellness.

To help you get started, you can download this free Master Your Metabolism Workbook here.


Here is your product Checklist. When you download the workbook you will have this and can print it off. Keep this by your supplements as a reminder for the week on what products you are integrating into your daily regime.

You will need to order

● LifeLong Vitality

● Yarrow/Pom

● Slim and Sassy Oil or Slim and Sassy Softgels

● Slim and Sassy Gum

It take some time to create a new habit, so we need to set ourselves up for success!

TIP: If you are already a doTERRA wholesale customer, be sure to order these in your LRP template to earn the product and shipping credits!

These worksheets are attached to the back of the eBook you can download HERE.


A goal without a plan is just a wish. So let’s make a plan!

Here are FOUR worksheets to help you have success:

  1. Check out an example of goal setting
  2. A blank sheet for you to print out and fill out YOUR goals before Monday
  3. One that will help you track your progress
  4. One that will help you prep for the week

Plus, print out the daily Monday-Friday pages to track your daily habits. Try to fill the “Weekday Sheets” out for 2-3 days to see what you are achieving!


The FREE Master Your Metabolism E-book contains all the details of the Master Your Metabolism product information, schedule and additional recipes for this Master Your Metabolism Challenge. Click to download it HERE.


Welcome to Master Your Metabolism! This is a snapshot of how we will be incorporating the Master Your Metabolism products into our days.


Did you know ….

  • Black tea supports the immune system and balances hormone levels…plus fights stress by reducing cortisol levels! Freaking SCORE! I tell you, black tea is so underrated!
  • Rooibos Tea! This is one awesome RED Tea! It comes with No Caffeine, boosts immune system, eases stomach cramps and even helps with blood circulation.
  • And did I mention Green Tea helps with WEIGHT LOSS? Yes, there is a book I read not too long ago about Tea and Weight loss and green tea was one of the featured Tea’s. Simple, yes! When I feel hungry between meals I make a cup of tea. Boosts my metabolism and I rarely need anything to eat. The warmth of the tea is satisfying.
  • Honeybush tea is another African tea is absolutely delicious and add some honey and nut milk to this tea and it’s like dessert in a cup! This tea is known to help with regulating sugar levels which is an added bonus during this time of Mastering our Metabolism.

You can us 1 drop of essential oil with honey for some of the single tea options… But I really do love the blended teas and a garden with any collection of these plants is not only a wonderful source of fresh teas when you want them, but it is also a relaxing hobby to sow, cultivate, and harvest these herbs for yourself.

There are many excellent tea herbs available to the home gardener. Here are some of my favorites: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens)
Pineapple mint (Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’)
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) for sweetening the tea
Roman chamomile (Chamaemlum nobile)
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans)
Purple basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Osmin’)
Holy basil or Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Cinnamon basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Cinnamon’)
Lemon basil (Ocimum x africanum)
Lemon thyme (Thymus citriodorus)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia or L. officinalis)
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
Bee balm (Monarda didyma)
Wild bergamont (Monarda fistula)
Signet marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia)

Let’s make a goal to integrate 2 of the tea recipes below for the rest of the week! And for you overachievers, let’s see if you can knock out all of them!

You can add the oils to water or even add any of your dry herbal options to these oils.


Historically, yarrow essential oil was used to soothe the skin, beautify the hair, relax the body and calm the mind. … umm, yes please!

While still in high demand for its amazing topical applications, Yarrow|Pom is now also highly coveted for the many benefits when taken internally.

Check out the graphic below for a deeper dive into its internal uses and benefits.

TODAY: ADD 1-2 drops in a veggie cap or directly under the tongue or make a Yarrow/POM tea.


This oil is a powerhouse! So we suggest you start small! 1 drop internally to start! Work your way up to the 2 drops 2x a day!


Check out image below on why drinking water is so important to our success for a Healthy Metabolism. Setting our body up for success and helping it feel great will make you feel amazing and want to keep up these new habits!

Hydration is key for many factors that play a role in weight loss, including:

  1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant ⏤ When the stomach senses that it is full, it sends signals to the brain to stop eating. Water can help to take up space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reducing hunger. Drinking a glass of water before reaching for something to eat can help to curb unnecessary snacking.
  2. Water increases calorie burning ⏤ Drinking cold water may further enhance water’s calorie-burning benefits, because the body expends energy {calories} by heating up the water for digestion.
  3. Water helps to remove waste from the body ⏤ When the body is dehydrated, it cannot properly remove waste. Water helps the kidneys to filter toxins and waste while the organ retains essential nutrients and electrolytes.
  4. Drinking water can reduce overall liquid calorie intake ⏤ It’s easy to accumulate liquid calories by drinking soda, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea. Replacing even a few high-calorie drinks each day for water or herbal tea, may have long-term weight loss benefits. (refer to the PRINTABLE sheets for your tribe to track water intake)
  5. Water is necessary to burn fat ⏤ Without water, the body cannot properly metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates.
  6. Water helps with workouts ⏤ One of the most important components of any weight loss plan is exercise. Water helps muscles, connective tissues, and joints to move correctly, as well as helps the lungs, heart, and other organs work effectively as they ramp up activity during exercise.


Did you know that our metabolism is influenced by more than our diet and lifestyle choices?

A healthy metabolism actually begins with a healthy immune system, which begins with a healthy diet containing optimal levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

Poor nutrition, stress, inadequate rest, and exposure to other environmental stressors can all lead to weakened defenses and other factors that can compromise health. The dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program is formulated to provide nutritional support for healthy immune function.

Alpha CRS+ provides powerful antioxidant and immune support through a potent blend of polyphenols and the carotenoids lutein and lycopene.

xEO Mega and vEO Mega are formulated with immune supporting essential fatty acids, astaxanthin, and a proprietary blend of essential oils including Clove Bud, Frankincense, and Thyme.

Microplex VMz is a balanced formula of essential vitamins and chelated minerals that include immune-supporting nutrients; vitamins A, C, E, and B6; and the mineral Zinc.

Check out the graphic below for more in depth look at the role of our immune system in metabolic function.


If you are to new LLV make sure you start with 1 of all three for 2-3 days, work up to the full dose adding one more every 2-3 days.


Recipe Below! This is what I use to fuel my morning! Or if you want to try another breakfast option make the strawberry yogurt bark!!


Exercise does more than just burn calories. It can positively influence many components of health, including body chemistry and physiology. Proper exercise expends calories during and after activity, promotes better sleep, decreases cravings for unhealthy food, and can even elevate cognitive function.

To achieve a well-rounded fitness routine, incorporate aerobic, strength, and flexibility training into your exercise each week.

CHALLENGE: BURN IT OUT TODAY! IDEAS: Brisk 30 min walk, HIIT exercise, YOGA, BARRE. Try a new workout by googling workouts on YOUTUBE!

Download the “Calorie Counter” app to keep track of your movement all year!


One of the main benefits of the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum is that it can help manage hunger cravings. As you alter your routine and diet, cravings will creep in and can derail any progress you’ve made. Instead of giving in to powerful cravings, you can chew on a piece of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum to help quiet your cravings and stay on track with your weight management aspirations.

Haven’t ever tried Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum? What are you waiting for!?



Snacking when we are starving can add unnecessary calories but if we have some healthy snacks prepped ahead of time we are more likely to grab these than a bag of potato chips or cookies. Energy Balls are one of my favorite snacks. Even my kiddos will fight for the last few that are left! Another favorite mid day smoothie is the Peanut Butter Cacao Nib Smoothie. It is sweet and filling and curbs my cravings for hours. Pair these recipes with the teas and Slim and Sassy Gum and you will be setting yourself up for success!


Sugar cravings are common and can often be explained by simple things, like the side effects from certain foods in your diet or a bad habit that has reprogramed your brain.

But some sugar cravings can be a result of an underlying nutrient deficiency, stress, depression, and or poor sleep patterns.

Consider these SIX quick tips for success while you plan long-term behavior changes to minimize cravings:


Let’s Start the Day off right with DRY BRUSHING WITH SLIM & SASSY OIL! Not only do we want to ingest Slim and Sassy oil in a capsule or our water but topically is an amazing addition to our skin and health.


Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend is predominantly used internally, but did you know that topical application of this proprietary blend also boasts amazing results?

One of our favorite ways to use Slim & Sassy topically is in combination with dry brushing – the act of brushing over dry skin. It is a natural health practice that stimulates the connective tissue attached to the capillaries sitting under the skin, which assists the lymphatic flow around the body ridding the body of toxins and waste and improving circulation. Research also suggests that dry brushing helps reduce cellulite by speeding up metabolism, which helps break down fatty deposits or toxins within the bloodstream that often cause cellulite.

Regular dry skin brushing exfoliates dry, rough skin, enabling moisturizing products to more readily absorb into the skin, assists with stimulation of sweat and oil glands, contributing to the restoration of moist, supple skin, strengthens pores by assisting with increased skin tone, and gently stretches connective tissue to help regenerate production of collagen and elastin fibres.

Enhance these amazing benefits with the addition of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend to your dry brushing regimen!


Did you know that Epsom salt is not actually salt, but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate? Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits as well as many beauty, household, and gardening-related uses, making it a household essential.

The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years and have beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind, and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating colds and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.

The fan favorite way to use Epsom salts is a long, relaxing soak in the tub. Add the health-promoting benefits of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend to those of Epsom salts, and prepare to leave the tub a different {wo}man than when you entered it!


There are many reasons why we gain weight, but the most common causes are the direct results of excessive eating and poor nutrition.

While the focus for weight management should primarily be on what and how much food is consumed {appetite} and how well it is utilized as fuel by the body {metabolism}, balancing other processes such as blood sugar, inflammation and hormones is often necessary for long-lasting results.

Check out the image for some insight into the role of essential oils in weight loss and maintenance.


You never really appreciate how important rest and stress management are until a lack of them is already having a powerfully negative impact on your overall health.

Modern life is often fraught with stress, and almost everyone is ironically too busy to deal with it. It can be easy to excuse it away and say that we work best under stress, that stress is a great motivator. This is partly true; the good type of stress, known as “eustress” helps us seize the moment, and invigorates us to achieve a tangible goal.

On the flip side, there is also bad stress, called “distress”, that can be harmful in the long run. When we face either type of stress in our daily lives, our bodies respond by secreting a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is useful to help us react to temporary stress, like the stress caused by deadlines. But scientists say that too much cortisol can cause weight gain, negative emotions, joint discomfort, and more.

Unfortunately anxious feelings and stressful situations are not going to simply disappear. This is where dealing with our stress becomes a priority. Managing a lot of daily stress comes down to some simple and quick solutions listed below. While this list is not comprehensive, it is a start in helping you identify ways to help yourself. We recommend that you pick the easiest solutions for you, and then practice them on a daily basis or whenever you feel the need.


Whew! There’s been a lot of information coming at you this week, and to end strong we wanted to take a quick minute to recap how you can Master Your Metabolism with the support of essential oils!



Now it’s time for an overview of some of the “Healthy Habits” which ones did you find easy to do or not so easy to do? Which ones were the most effective at helping you stay true to your goals?


Let’s celebrate this week with a sweet treat that won’t pack on the calories! Make some yummy Freezer Fudge or make a Nut Butter + Granola sandwich as a unique healthy and filling snack!


Have you loved being on this week long journey of education on ways to Master your Metabolism while learning so much along the way?

Make sure you are plugged into our ongoing education.

Please Follow and like my Facebook page for Essential Oil Education, Online Classes and more Essential Oil recipes.

And If you would like to be in the loop of some awesome Give-aways and Special Offers, please join my exclusive VIP Facebook Group.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Diet and Excercise Nutrition Weight Management Women

Nutrition is a Foundation of Health

I recently heard from a trusted expert in the field of nutrition that it isn’t so much “you are what you eat” as, “we are what we absorb”…

Think about that for a moment…

That is true on so many planes right now from the energy, and environment and friends we are exposed to, to of course what we consume. Now you are here for nutrition, so this is where we are going to focus in this article… and I couldn’t be more excited to share with you a new product line just launched by doTERRA for foundational nutritional support!

doTERRA Protein, doTERRA Fiber, & doTERRA Greens


doTERRA Protein

It seems like everyone is talking about protein these days, as a matter of fact over 40% of Americans currently use a protein supplement daily. It can be daunting and confusing to sort through all the protein powder options on the market and know which source you should trust to fuel your body.

dōTERRA’s mission to Pursue What’s Pure carries over to all products, including the scientifically studied ingredients sourced to formulate the quality offering of dōTERRA Proteins.

Even if we are careful with what we put into our bodies and intentional with our diet, we may not be getting enough of certain nutrients, like protein. dōTERRA Proteins were specifically formulated to supplement areas of the modern diet that fall short in providing fuel to our body. Protein is an important macronutrient and crucial for building muscle, managing appetite, and helping the body recover after workouts.*

Protein is also necessary to provide the body with energy and stamina to perform functions like building cells and support a healthy immune system response.*

Reducing sugar consumption is also an important aspect of improving your diet and overall health. dōTERRA Protein is sugar free and a great tool to use in a Keto or other high protein/low carb diets.

dōTERRA Whey Protein provides 21 grams of a premium protein
blend, from pasture-fed cows, to help you reach the recommended dietary allowance of protein and keep your body functioning at optimal capacity. Whey is one of the most nutritionally complete proteins and easy to digest without gas or bloating. As an added bonus, each serving also contains 7 grams of fiber to help manage appetite and assist overall digestive

Formulated without GMOs, gluten, soy, and RBST hormone, dōTERRA protein offers the quality ingredients you expect to support a healthy lifestyle. dōTERRA Protein is naturally sweetened with monk fruit and stevia and is available in chocolate and vanilla flavors. Where you get your protein from matters, so choose a source that you can trust, a company whose very name–dōTERRA–says it all: Gift from the Earth.


Supplementing protein is especially important for those who live a vegan lifestyle and that’s why dōTERRA also offers an option for those who require plant-sourced protein.

dōTERRA Vegan Protein contains 21g of a protein blend of sources such as pea, brown rice, pumpkin seed, sacha inchi, and flax seed. When eating a plant-based diet, it is important to consume protein from a variety of sources to receive a profile of all 20 amino acids and that’s exactly what dōTERRA Vegan Protein delivers. Each serving of dōTERRA Vegan Protein also contains 7 grams of fiber to help manage appetite and is sweetened naturally by monk fruit and stevia.* dōTERRA Vegan protein is formulated without GMOs, gluten, and soy.

Product Usage
At only around 150 calories, dōTERRA Protein shakes are ideal for blending into your customized creations. The flavors are delicious and creamy on their own but are neutral enough to add fruits, vegetables, adaptogenic blends, or any other bonuses dōTERRA Protein.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 2 ©2020 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC ©2013 doTERRA Holdings, LLC Phytoestrogen PIP US 122920 dōTERRA Protein PIP US 122920 you add to your daily wellness smoothies. Enjoy daily to fuel your body and support muscle growth and recovery.


• Premium protein blends
• All-natural flavors, sweetened with monk fruit and stevia
• Well-balanced amino acids profile necessary to enhance energy and increase stamina*
• Helps control appetite*
• Provides the body the necessary nutrients that it needs to produce ATP*
• Supports muscle growth and recovery*
• Free from GMO, gluten, soy, and RBST hormone
• Vegan friendly (vegan formula)

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Blend one scoop of dōTERRA Protein with 8 ounces of water or preferred choice of milk until smooth and creamy. Add fruits and vegetables for added flavor and nutrition. For a unique flavor, blend in one drop of your favorite dōTERRA essential oil.

CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or nursing women and people with known medical conditions should consult a physician before using. Keep in a cool, dry place.
KEY STUDIES: To access the key studies go CLICK HERE FOR STUDY

doTERRA Fiber

Fad diets are a popular trend and most focus on consuming high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbohydrates. This unbalance can wreak havoc on our fiber intake!

According to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, even with a healthy diet, most people only get half the amount of fiber they need. The FDA recommends 25–38 grams of dietary fiber every day depending on age, weight, and gender.*

That’s a lot of raw vegetables and bowls of oatmeal! dōTERRA Fiber was created as a convenient and delicious way to supplement your fiber intake. One serving of dōTERRA Fiber provides six grams of soluble and insoluble fiber, CPTG® Lemon essential oil, natural vitamin C, and a unique prebiotic blend.

dōTERRA Fiber is sourced from whole food sources like apple, tapioca, and flax seed to support a healthy and regular digestive system, control appetite, and support the metabolic process.*

Fiber is a fantastic macronutrient that supports many different health functions within the body, not just the digestive system, including the cardiovascular and the immune systems.*

The importance of a healthy gut microbiome and its relation to the immune system has recently become an area of scientific studies. Research has shown much of your immune system can be found in the GI tract. The addition of the special prebiotic blend in dōTERRA Fiber provides food for probiotics in the gut to support a healthy microbiome and immune system.*

The prebiotic blend contains Fructooligosaccharide from chicory root and
Jerusalem artichoke, Isomaltooligosaccharide, and Xylooligosaccharide. dōTERRA TerraZyme® and PB Assist+® also support the microbiome and dōTERRA Fiber is the perfect addition to your digestive and immune health

Add dōTERRA Fiber to water for a delicious lemon-apple flavored drink as a no-excuses approach to meet your digestive health and wellness goals. dōTERRA Fiber is a daily essential for everyone.


• High source of fiber
• Contains high potency vitamin C
• Helps maintain a healthy microbiome*
• Promotes healthy digestive function*
• May support cardiovascular health*
• May support the immune system*
• May help support metabolic processes*
• May support weight management goals*

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix one scoop of dōTERRA Fiber with ten ounces of water. Drink immediately.

CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or nursing women and people with known medical conditions should consult a physician before using. Keep in a cool, dry place.

KEY STUDIES To access the key studies CLICK HERE

doTERRA Greens

Do you hate eating vegetables!? I still live with adults who believe corn is a vegetable and that is the only one that doesn’t get some push back here.

There are many reasons you may not be getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. It’s expensive, preparation can be time consuming, and you may feel unsure of how much you really need to eat.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, less than one out of every three adults eats the recommended amount of fruit per day, and over 70 percent do not meet guidelines for vegetable consumption.

dōTERRA Greens was created to supplement your fruits and vegetables intake with responsibly sourced, wholesome ingredients. dōTERRA Greens is a convenient and tasty way to provide your body with essential nutrients and dietary fiber to enhance overall wellness.*

With pure, plant-sourced, and nourishing ingredients, dōTERRA Greens supports healthy immune function, digestion, weight management, and energy.*

A mix of superfoods are packed in dōTERRA Greens to provide
you a nutritious boost. One scoop of dōTERRA Greens powder provides the nutritional equivalency of approximately one to two servings of fruits and vegetables.*

Key ingredients include moringa, acai, cabbage, collard greens, dandelion, kale, parsley, spinach leaf, alfalfa, barley grass, oat grass, pineapple, mango, goji-berry, as well as Lemon and Ginger CPTG® essential oils.*

dōTERRA Greens is easy to use and can be enjoyed daily in a smoothie or simply mixed with water. The powder is a mixed berry flavor and naturally sweetened with monk fruit.

Pursue optimal health with a convenient, comprehensive nutrition solution: dōTERRA Greens.*

• Provides the equivalent of 1-2 servings of fruits and vegetables
• Good source of dietary fiber*
• May support normal metabolism*
• Natural, Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan friendly
• Neutral mixed berry flavor ideal for smoothies and DIY concoctions

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Mix 1 scoop of dōTERRA Greens with 8 or more ounces of water or juice or mix with your favorite smoothie. Drink immediately.

CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. Pregnant or nursing women and people with known medical conditions should consult a physician before
using. Keep in a cool, dry place.

KEY STUDIES : To access the key studies CLICK HERE

dōTERRA Nutrition Line Product Pricing:

Vanilla Protein
– SKU 60207069
– Retail $52.67 OR $39.50 Wholesale

Get Yours Now

To get the wholesale discount just log into your account or join for only $35

Chocolate Protein
– SKU 60207068
– $ 52.67 Retail OR $39.50 Wholesale

Get Yours Now

To get the wholesale discount just log into your account or join for only $35

Plant Based (Vegan) Protein
– SKU 60207067
– $52.67 Retail OR $39.50 Wholesale

Get Yours Now

To get the wholesale discount just log into your account or join for only $35

– SKU 60207065
– $26.00 Retail or $19.50 Wholesale

Get Yours Now

To get your wholesale discount just log in to your wholesale account or join us for only $35

– SKU 60213600
– $38.00 Retail OR $28.50 Wholesale

Get Yours Now

To get your wholesale discount just log in to your wholesale account or join us for only $35


  1. What type of protein is used?
    a. Chocolate and Vanilla: Whey protein concentrate and casein.
    b. Vegan: pea, brown rice, flaxseed, Sacha inchi, and pumpkin seed.
  2. Is there any soy in the products?
    a. All of the new products are soy free.
  3. Are these safe for pregnant and lactating women?
    a. We recommend any women who are pregnant or lactating inform their physician about their use of our products and to follow their physician’s advice. However, when used appropriately, we know of no contradictions that would prevent someone from using dōTERRA products.
  4. Why are the new products not labeled as organic?
    a. Pursuing organic certification was something we considered. However, our current quality control processes and analytical testing provide an equivalent benefit as organic certification. Additionally, pursuing organic certification would increase the cost of the product, and we decided to prioritize affordability to keep these products as accessible as possible for all.
  5. Are all the dо̄TERRA Protein flavors gluten free?
    a. Yes, all of the dо̄TERRA Protein options (Chocolate, Vanilla, and Vegan) are certified gluten free. The oat flour included in these products is sourced from a specific plant in Ireland that has very strict gluten controls in place.
  6. Are the Fiber and Greens gluten free?
    a. While they are not certified gluten-free, we have verified that all the ingredients in these two products are free of gluten. (and all other allergens except for dairy which is in the vanilla and chocolate whey protein shakes).
  7. Why are sweeteners added to the products?
    a. Monk fruit and stevia—which are both natural sweeteners—were added to the dо̄TERRA Nutrition products to help them be delicious as stand-alone mixes.
  8. Do the ingredients follow our sourcing practices?
    a. As with all our products, these new products follow dо̄TERRA’s commitment to best sourcing practices. We avoid any questionable supply chain sources and follow the same rigid testing standards (potency, purity, contaminants, etc.) that we hold ourselves to
    with all our products.
  9. Are any products being discontinued once this new line launches?
    a. Yes, dо̄TERRA Protein will replace all Slim and Sassy Trim Shakes, and dо̄TERRA Greens is the new, improved version of TERRAGreens. doTERRA Fiber is a new product and therefore will not be replacing any current products we offer.
  10. Are these products safe for children to consume?
    a. While the Nutrition products were designed with the nutritional needs of adults in mind, these products were made using whole food ingredients that can be found in the daily diet of adults and children. Though all of the Nutritional products should generally be safe for children, we recommend that parents adjust serving sizes for children as
    they see necessary.
  11. Are the greens and fiber Vegan?
    a. Yes, the Greens and Fiber are both vegan.
  12. What flavor is the Vegan protein?
    a. The Vegan protein is vanilla flavored.
  13. What flavor is the Vegan protein?
    a. The Vegan protein is vanilla flavored.
  14. Why did we include Maltodextrin?
    a. Maltodextrin is used as an excipient (processing aid or carrier or incidental additive) and is a crucial ingredient for the production process. The maltodextrin used to produce dо̄TERRA supplements is sourced from natural sources like corn, wheat, cassava or tapioca root and is used in very small amounts. dо̄TERRA is transparent with our product labeling and this is why you see maltodextrin listed on our supplement labels and may not see it included on supplement labels from other companies.
  15. What are the natural flavors?
    a. Instead of listing 5-10 different flavor components (I.e., the Vanilla flavor- there is vanilla extract, vanillin, and other natural flavors that contribute to give that desired vanilla flavor) we list it as natural flavor.
  16. Why did we include Oat Flour?
    a. We included this as an additional source of protein and fiber, as well as a source of beta-glucan. In a crowded protein space, this unique source of protein and fiber helps to differentiate our product, providing a nice taste and mouthfeel along with the benefits of beta-glucan, all while being certified gluten-free (at 10 ppm, which is tighter than the
    industry requirement of 20 ppm).
    b. The oat flour we are using is independently verified to be gluten-free by Gluten Watchdog and is certified by the Celiac Societies of Ireland, the UK, and Spain.
  17. What are the serving sizes?
    a. Vanilla Protein: 1 serving is 37g; 20 servings total
    b. Chocolate Protein: 1 serving is 41g; 20 servings total
    c. Vegan Protein: 1 serving is 39g; 20 servings total
    d. dо̄TERRA Greens: 1 serving is 12g; 30 servings total
    e. dо̄TERRA Fiber: 1 serving is 11g; 30 servings total
  18. Are all of these new products vegan-friendly?
    a. Most of the new products are vegan-friendly except for the vanilla and chocolate proteins – which include whey proteins.
  19. Do these new products contain dairy?
    a. The vanilla and chocolate whey proteins contain dairy. The Vegan protein, Greens, and Fiber are all dairy free.
  20. Is this a meal replacement?
    a. This product is a protein supplement, not a meal replacement. It can be used as a base for a meal replacement depending on what you add to it to boost caloric and nutritional intake.
  21. Which Markets can purchase these new items?
    a. These kits are available for the US market, participating NFR markets, and GAC.
  22. Why are the doTERRA Greens and Fiber 30 servings, while the doTERRA Proteins are 20 servings?
    a. The amount of servings included in the packages align with the Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein in the average adult, reinforcing and contributing to making strong daily routines.
  23. What is the difference between the new Greens and TerraGreens?
    a. There have been a handful of new additions to this product, most notably the Superfood blend and we aimed to improve the flavor.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Circulatory Emotional General Wellness Hormone Support Nervous System Weight Management Women

What is AromaTouch?

AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils by Dr. David Hill, DC

Dr. Hill is a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic application of essential oils, developed the AromaTouch technique. AromaTouch Massage improves wellbeing by reducing physical and emotional stressors and supports healthy autonomic function.

The technique uses dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience for recipients.

Experience this Technique for yourself

Unlike traditional Aromatherapy Massage, the AromaTouch Massage Technique utilizes eight specific essential oils and blends to promote relaxation and stress relief, offer immune support, decrease pain and inflammation and elevate mood.

Essential oils applied along energy lines and on reflexology points stimulate homeostasis and balance in the body.

What Are The Benefits Of AromaTouch Technique with Aromatherapy Massage

AromaTouch Technique with your massage will maximize the benefits of the essential oils used, stimulate the body and energy centers and balance body systems and function.

The aromatic compounds in essential oils are so small in molecular size that, when applied, they work very quickly on your autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, AromaTouch Technique can be especially beneficial for those with chronic issues such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatism
  • Gout
  • Carpel Tunnel
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Neurological Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Back Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Auto-immune system disease.


The warm, woody aroma of dōTERRA’s Balance® Blend creates a sense of grounding, calm and well-being. dōTERRA has perfectly blended Spruce needle/leaf, Ho wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy Flower and Blue Chamomile Flower essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. Balance essential oil blend offers an enticing fragrance and has a calming effect on the central nervous system, promotes a sense of balance, relaxation and reduces anxiety. Frankincense has anti-inflammatory chemical compounds and stimulates the emotional center of your brain which creates an overall sense of wellbeing.

LAVENDER Essential Oil

Lavender has been cherished for its unmistakable aroma and beneficial properties for thousands of years.

Lavender flowers and essential oils widely accepted for their calming, soothing and relaxing qualities. Studies have shown that Lavender essential oil is an effective calming agent, mood regulator and anxiety reliever. Lavender essential oil can also aid in healing wounds and tissue damage.

MELALEUCA Essential Oil

Melaleuca essential oil, or Tea Tree Oil, has many beneficial properties, especially for the skin. Composed of more than ninety different compounds, Melaleuca has limitless applications including anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, cleansing and to support immune system.

Melaleuca essential oil can treat infections. In fact, scientists have begun to investigate the effectiveness of melaleuca against different types of pathogens and microbes including MRSA. During the AromaTouch™ Massage technique, it’s used as an immune support and aids the body in returning to homeostasis with its cleansing properties.


dōTERRA’s On Guard® essential oil blend provides a natural and effective alternative for immune support. On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats with essential oils known for their positive effects on the immune system. dōTERRA On Guard is a blend of essential oils including Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary. These oils are anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-viral to support the immune system.

Additionally, Eucalyptus and Rosemary are powerful for respiratory health and support. Clove is known in medicine (both ancient and modern) for its cleansing properties due to its high content of eugenol. Clove alleviates colds, digestive disorders, nausea, neuralgia and toothaches.


dōTERRA’s AromaTouch® blend combines the benefits of essential oils well-known to promote feelings of relaxation and to release feelings of tension. AromaTouch® combines Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (CPTG) essential oils of Basil, Grapefruit, Cypress, Marjoram, Peppermint, and Lavender in a profoundly relaxing blend. AromaTouch essential oil blend can increase blood and lymphatic circulation while calming and relaxing the muscles and joints.

Cypress contains alpha pinene which helps to relieve fatigue and maintain healthy circulation. Grapefruit essential oil stimulates the lymphatic system and clinically used for this purpose- which makes it effective on cellulite too ladies!


Deep Blue® is dōTERRA’s soothing solution to the stresses of a long day of work or physical activity. A perfect blend of essential oils including wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus work together to provide a cooling effect. Deep Blue is a deeply comforting part of aromatherapy massage providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Wintergreen essential oil is well known for its ability to support healthy inflammatory response and cleansing properties. It contains methyl salicylate – an ingredient in aspirin. 5ml of Wintergreen essential oil contains the same amount of methyl salicylate as 20 aspirin pills.

WILD ORANGE Essential Oil

Wild Orange essential oil is cold pressed from orange peels. Wild Orange is excellent for energizing and revitalizing. Wild Orange is an effective tool for uplifting mood through its wonderful sweet and citrusy aroma.

This essential oil supports the immune system, elevates mood and balances the systems. Citrus Essential Oils contain immune support compounds such as Limonene which can naturally support the levels of Glutathione – a critical antioxidant which every cell in our bodies depends on for cellular protection.

PEPPERMINT Essential Oil

Peppermint is popular in countless forms, from toothpaste to chewing gum. As an essential oil, it is beneficial internally and externally. Peppermint is especially useful to ease breathing and improve respiratory health and used as a natural digestive aid. Peppermint essential oil also amplifies the effects of the other oils used in your AromaTouch massage or aromatherapy massage.

Wintergreen essential oil is well known for its ability to support healthy inflammatory response and cleansing properties. It contains methyl salicylate – an ingredient in aspirin. 5ml of Wintergreen essential oil contains the same amount of methyl salicylate as 20 aspirin pills.

Increase the benefits you experience with CPTG® essential oils by incorporating the AromaTouch® Technique into your healthy lifestyle philosophy. This kit contains 5 mL bottles of dōTERRA Balance®LavenderPeppermintMelaleucaWild OrangeAromaTouch®Deep Blue®, and dōTERRA On Guard®. You will also receive dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil (4 oz.) when you purchase this kit.

Would you like to learn more about how to perform the AromaTouch Technique? Don’t fret! The new kit presentation comes with a quick reference guide and instructions, along with a link and code to view helpful videos to learn the AromaTouch Technique and Hand Technique. 

AromaTouch Technique Kit NEWLY UPDATED!

The AromaTouch Technique combines the use of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils and a well-documented application technique to support overall wellbeing.

Wholesale Price Only $110.00*
Get Started with your Wholesale Account for Only $145.00*
Retail $146.67*
  • prices plus flat rate Shipping and taxes for your area

Experience an AromaTouch Technique soon! Visit our Workshop Page to Schedule your Appointment or Contact us to learn more.



Chemistry of AromaTouch

AromaTouch Study

Science of Aroma and Touch

Diet and Excercise Emotional General Wellness Men Skin Support Weight Management Women

Healthy Habits Challenge

Healthy Habits are truly something we all know about but rarely make routine.

Whether traveling or enjoying your favorite past time (like riding your motorcycle), there are small things we can do to create Healthier Habits which ultimately will make us Healthy, Happy, and Strong.

But there are several things that can create an imbalance in our health. And we do them on a daily basis, they include…

  • Dehydration- not enough water! Drinking coffee, alcohol, juices, soda, vitamin waters or other commercial flavored waters aren’t replenishing enough (look at labels for sugars)
  • Irregular/non-healthy diet (fast food and restaurants are terrible for balanced nutrition) even too many salads can mess with your gut and most salad dressings are loaded with sugars.
  • Exposure. Sun brings life! And many are vitamin D deficient, especially following a long winter. However, too much of a good thing…is too much. Our skin is the largest organ of our body, protect it from too much sun and wind and extreme elements …
  • Over-the-counter and prescription symptom relievers… we all know someone who takes “something” for aches and pains, or blood sugar, or allergies, headaches, etc. All symptoms of imbalanced health, and commercially treated to mask the symptom not fix the cause. (another topic for impaired driving/riding…)
  • Physical restrictions. Sitting on the couch, recliner, office chair, or in a plane, car, train, or on a bike for too long. Our bodies were made and meant to move!
  • Solitude, self-doubt, procrastination, fear, anger, sadness, guilt (mental health): Anything and everything or anybody that keeps us from growing, learning, developing, laughing, etc. Things do happen and it is important to process and even mourn, but don’t build a house around it and live there… Fight hard to get back to your mental happy place! Sometimes people are toxic, seek out a healthy community, and support of a network that lifts your spirits, feeds your soul, and gives you purpose.

Daily Habits Challenge

Need some ideas of habits that will help you build a healthy lifestyle?

I’m always saying “we don’t know what we don’t know”, well knowing something doesn’t make it a habit.

We need to be mindful and practice new habits to make them a part of our routine. After all we weren’t always fat, or sore, or sad, or achey, or unhappy. That shit happened over time (we practiced).

We can do this!

Here is some help, Regional Healthy Habits Tours are happening now …

Diet and Excercise Emotional General Wellness Kids and Pets Weight Management Women

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit Citrus X paradisi

Grapefruit essential oil can provide an uplifting environment due to its invigorating and energizing aroma, while acting as a purifying agent when added to a skin care routine.


The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters which resemble those of grapes. Known for its energizing and invigorating aroma, Grapefruit helps uplift mood. Grapefruit is also renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties and is frequently used in skin care for its ability to promote the appearance of clear, healthy-looking skin. Grapefruit can also support a healthy metabolism.*


  • Add to your teenager’s facial routine to improve the appearance of blemishes (avoid sun exposure).
  • Diffuse while dieting or trying to lose weight to increase motivation.
  • Add one to two drops to your water to support a healthy metabolism.*

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

Add dōTERRA Grapefruit to your body scrubs and body wash to stimulate smooth and radiant skin. Enjoy the fruity and spry flavor of Grapefruit in your morning smoothie to *support a healthy metabolism. In moments of distraction, diffuse dōTERRA Grapefruit to bring a sense of focus to the task at hand.

Children can also enjoy the aromatic benefits of dōTERRA Grapefruit with this DIY Alphabet Grapefruit Soap recipe.

For more uses and benefits of dōTERRA Grapefruit oil, read the Product Spotlight here!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils