General Wellness

Calendula officinalis

Calendula Officinalis

Calendula or Marigold plants are considered by many gardening experts as among the easiest and most versatile flowers to grow in a garden, especially because they tolerate most soils. 

Marigold flower

Have you heard of calendula yet?

Of all the flowers you can grow Calendula can easily be the favorite. Calendula is an amazing and versatile plant. Did you know that it is technically an herb? Yes it is! And Calendula has many medicinal uses, it is an excellent companion flower to grow alongside vegetables, it attracts pollinators, adds a beautiful pop of color to the garden, and is also edible!

Of all the ways you can use calendula, I most often use the dry flowers for tea – or make healing calendula oil.

Read along to learn how easy it is to make calendula oil at home – even if you don’t grow your own! All you need is dried calendula flowers and your choice of oil. This article will go over the differences between popular oils commonly used to make calendula infusions, so you can decide which option works best for your needs! Let’s also briefly explore the healing properties of calendula, along with 8 ways you can use your homemade calendula oil!

Note that calendula is sometimes referred to as “pot marigold” – but don’t confuse it with true marigolds, such as french marigolds! They’re distinctly different, and not nearly as medicinal in nature.

How to Grow Calendula

Calendula is just about as no-fuss and low-maintenance as they come. It will perform best in rich, well-draining soil, but will tolerate a wide variety of soils – including poor soil. Hell, half of ours this year isn’t even growing in soil.  Blooms that were left behind dropped their seeds in the gravel around our raised beds, and so there they grow! The volunteer calendula shown below is growing in 4” of gravel, which has weed block fabric below that. Hardy little plants, aren’t they? Therefore, it should go without saying that it can easily be grown in containers too!

Speaking of being hardy, calendula is tolerant to both heat and cold. Direct-sow their trippy large seeds in the garden in spring. Follow the instructions on the seed package in regards to depth. I believe it is usually around 1/4″ deep. The plants and long-lasting blooms may continue straight through the first freeze the following winter!

Calendula grows best in full-sun, but will tolerate some late afternoon shade, especially in the hottest climates. Provide moderate water. It won’t like being overly wet, as it is fairly drought-tolerant. It is also reported to be deer-resistant!

When & How to Harvest Calendula

Herbalist all agree that the best time to harvest calendula is during mid-morning, shortly after the new blooms have opened but after any dew has dried. That said, simply do your best given your schedule. Harvesting midday or even in the afternoon is better than not harvesting them at all!

To harvest blooms, pick or cut off the flower where it meets the stem. If you plan to use it for edible or medicinal purposes, avoid collecting the heads that are already starting to dry and go to seed. Fresh blooms are best for this. Use the older ones for seed-saving instead. And yes, take the whole head! The most medicinal value is found in the green pedestal, not just the flower petals.

If you aren’t up for drying or using the fresh blooms, some calendula varieties have strong enough stems to make good cut flowers too.

A Few Notes on Harvesting Calendula

While harvesting, your fingers may get a bit sticky from the resin. This is a good thing! The resin has potent antifungal properties, and is where most of the healing power comes from.

Don’t worry about “saving” flowers on the plants, or feel bad about taking blooms! The more you take, the more will come. If you’re serious about stocking up on calendula, plan to have new blooms ready to harvest every few days.

On that note, uncollected flower heads will allow this flowering herb to freely re-seed itself. If you don’t want your garden full of these volunteers, plan to collect spent flowers before the seeds dry and disperse. I harvest some, but leave plenty behind as well so they make my seeding in the spring easier.

Calendula Infused Oil

Calendula officinalis has been used by herbalists, homesteaders, and natural healers for centuries. It can be used both internally or externally to support the immune system, heal skin and infections. Calendula works its magic by promoting cell repair and growth, coupled with its natural antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Above all, it is gentle in its work. Unlike some natural remedies, you don’t need to worry about “overdoing it” with calendula. 

The potent medicinal oils within calendula blooms are most concentrated on the sticky green base of the flower head. Resin is also present (but lesser so) on the petals themselves, which is why we choose to use whole dried flowers rather than plucked petals alone when making calendula-infused oil.

  • harvest flower tops and place flower side down on a drying screen or dehydrator
  • fill a mason jar 2/3 of the way to top with the dried flower tops
  • Pour olive oil (or oil of choice) into the Jared, making sure to cover the flowers by at least one inch with oils so they will have space to expand.
  • Stir well and cap the jar tightly.
  • Place jar in a warm, sunny windowsill and shake once or more daily.
  • After 4 to 6 weeks, strain the herbs out using a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer over a mason jar
  • Por the infused oil into sterile mason jars with air tight lids and store in a cool, dark shelf out of sunlight.

I really enjoy using the solar or folk method described above, but you can also infuse oils on the stove by applying heat if you don’t want to wait the 4-6 weeks…

Dried Calendula Flower heads

If you aren’t a DIY’er like me you may want to just give it a try and this oil.

  • Calendula Oil 6 oz Bottle and is reasonably priced on Amazon
  • A natural skin care oil for people and pets
  • Used for sprains, bruises and swellings
  • Organic Product from Wiseways Herbals
  • Contains: Olive Oil Extract of Organic Marigold Flowers

This is an infused oil with an olive oil base and made with the extract of the Flower heads which should come from the base of the flower buds not just the petals, but I am unfamiliar with the manufacturer, so this is why I like to I make my own. 


Pot marigold florets are edible. They are often used to add color to salads or added to dishes as a garnish and in lieu of saffron. The leaves are edible but are often not palatable. They have a history of use as a potherb and in salads. The plant is also used to make tea.[12]

Flowers were used in ancient Greek, Roman, Middle Eastern, and Indian cultures as a medicinal herb, as well as a dye for fabrics, foods, and cosmetics.[5] Many of these uses persist today. They are also used to make oil that protects the skin.

Marigold leaves can also be made into a poultice that is believed to help scratches and shallow cuts to heal faster, and to help prevent infection.[13] It has also been used in eye drops.[12]

  • CULINARY: Use to garnish soups and salads. May also be baked in cookies, cakes and breads. Excellent tea herb.
  • HOUSEHOLD: Calendula produces a natural yellow dye for coloring wool and cloth.
  • USES COSMETIC: Infuse in in oil for use in soaps, lotions, balms and other topical formulations.
  • DECORATIVE: Add the petals to floral displays and potpourri mixes.
  • FLAVOR PROFILE: Mildly sweet, sometimes peppery. Goes well with other florals,citrus peel, vanilla, black pepper and warm spices.

Medicinal Benefits

Calendula has been called upon for centuries to treat skin ailments, support the immune system, and heal infections, both internally and externally. If you pay attention to labels, you’ll probably notice calendula as a key ingredient in many natural skin care products, and for a good reason! I use our homemade calendula salve every day.

Topically, calendula can ease, heal, or otherwise treat a huge array of skin conditions. According to the Chestnut School of Herbs, this includes: “rashes, stings, wounds, burns, sunburn, swelling, eczema, acne, surgical wounds, scrapes, chicken pox, cold sores, and even genital herpes sores.” It works its magic by promoting cells repair and growth, coupled with its natural antiseptic properties and anti-inflammatory properties. Above all, it is gentle in its work.

“Calendula is a wonderful herb for babies, being potent as well as soothing gentle. It is one of the most popular herbs for treating cradle cap, diaper rash, and other skin irritations. And calendula tea is a useful remedy for thrush type of yeast overgrowth not uncommon in infants.”

Rosemary Gladstar, from her book Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide

Internally, it can help boost the immune and lymph system, fight fungal infections, reduce inflammation, menstrual cramps, and gastrointestinal upset, as well as keep fevers at bay. It is also an anti-viral. One of the quickest and easiest ways to consume calendula is by making tea, which we’ll cover soon!


The tea is a mild, slightly bitter beverage that offers a number of health benefits.

It has long been popular in herbal medicine for its alleged healing properties. Tea made from the Calendula officinalis plant is often applied externally to wounds and burns, or taken internally to heal tissues of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract.

Nutrition Information

The vitamins and minerals present in calendula tea have not been widely published, and may be negligible.

Like most teas, one cup of unsweetened calendula tea contains:

Nutritional facts of Calendula Tea

  • 0 calories
  • 0 grams of fiber
  • 0 grams of protein
  • 0 mg of sodium
  • 0 grams of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and sugar

Potential Health Benefits of Calendula Tea

Research suggests that calendula deserves its reputation for wound healing. The herb’s antifungal and antimicrobial properties help prevent infection and heal injuries to body tissues.

This flowering herb is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, which might help to fight cancer, protect against heart disease, and ease muscle fatigue.

Calendula tea can also:

Help heal your skin. Rather than drank, this tea is usually applied directly to the skin to promote healing. In one study, 78% of participants who treated diabetes-related foot ulcers with calendula tea showed complete healingAnother study showed that 72% of the participants using calendula tea experienced full healing of leg ulcers, compared to fewer than a third of the control group.

Calendula is full of carotenoids and flavonoids, which are known to help lower your risk of cancer and other diseases.

Provide antioxidants. Preliminary research suggests that calendula tea may offer powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Potential Risks

In some cases, calendula tea can cause mild irritation or an allergic reaction when you put it on your skin. Doctors also warn that there may be unexpected interactions when you drink calendula tea and take sedatives.

We need more research to figure out if calendula is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. So for now, women who are either should stay away from calendula tea.

Healthier Alternatives

If you get an allergic reaction from calendula tea, or you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, depending on what you were using calendula tea for, there are a number of herbs that can give you similar benefits. Some of these include:

  • Aloe
  • Cayenne
  • Chamomile
  • Echinacea
  • Feverfew
  • Flaxseed
  • Green Tea
  • Lavender
  • Milk Thistle
  • Rosemary
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Turmeric

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

General Wellness Nervous System recipe

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General Wellness Skin Support Women

Homemade Lotion Recipes:

Recipe # 1: A Non-Greasy Moisturizer


  • 1 cup strong-brewed herbal tea or aloe vera gel (I used aloe vera gel)
  • ½ cup grated beeswax
  • 1 tsp cocoa butter or shea butter
  • ½ cup sweet almond, grapeseed, or jojoba oil
  • 1 tsp Vitamin E oil
  • 15 drops essential oil (where to find 100% pure essential oils) added after cooling and before final blending


  1. In a medium-sized bowl combine aloe vera gel/tea, essential oils, and Vitamin E oil. Set aside for later, allowing it to come to room temp(Sometimes it even helps to set this in a warm water bath to bring it closer to the temperature of the oil/wax mixture you’ll be adding it to. This helps it emulsify.)
  2. Add grated beeswax, butter and oil to a glass measuring cup. Place measuring cup in a small pot of water and bring water to a gentle boil. Heat, stirring occasionally until beeswax is completely melted then carefully remove measuring cup from the pot.  (I prefer this double boiler application to the microwave so the it gets hot enough, but not too hot. This will help reduce the cooling time)
  3. Pour beeswax/oil mixture into a blender and allow to cool. (Move on to step 4 when it has cooled down but is still soft.)
  4. Once cooled, turn the blender on LOW. Remove top of the blender and pour aloe vera mixture in a SLOW, continuous stream.
  5. Stop blender as often as needed to run a spatula around sides to incorporate ingredients. If some liquid is pooling at the top, stop frequently to push it around with a spatula. (This step may take as long as 10-15 minutes, and patience is key!) Continue blending until desired consistency is reached. (I use and highly recommend a Vitamix blender.)
  6. Transfer moisturizer to clean jars and refrigerate any portion that will not be used up within a few weeks.

Recipe # 2: Conditioning Lotion Recipe


  • ½ cup almond oil (or jojoba oil, or any other liquid oil)
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup beeswax
  • 1 tsp vitamin E oil (optional)
  • 2 TBSP shea butter (or cocoa butter, optional)
  • essential oils (the purest and most cost effective oils here)
  • vanilla extract 


  • Combine the liquid oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and shea cocoa butter if using, in a double boiler or a glass bowl on top of a simmering pan of water.
  • Stir occasionally as the ingredients melt.
  • When all ingredients are completely melted, add the vitamin E oil if using and any essential oils or scents like vanilla.
  • Pour into a glass jar or tin for storage. Small mason jars work perfectly for this.


  • Use as you would regular lotion. This will not pump well in a lotion pump!
  • This lotion is ultra-moisturizing and more oily than water-based lotion option in Recipe #1, so you won’t need to use as much.
  • It also has a longer shelf life than some homemade lotion recipes since all ingredients are already shelf stable and no water is added.
  • Use within 6 months for best moisturizing benefits.

A little goes a long way! This lotion is incredibly nourishing and is also great for diaper rash on baby, for eczema, and for preventing stretch marks!

Author: Jennie Knourek – Open Road Essentials


Would you like to learn more about the use of essential oils to support your health?


Healthy Home Skin Support Women


– pelargonium graveolens

With various beautifying purposes, Geranium essential oil promotes healthy, glowing skin and hair, while providing a sweet, floral aroma.


A member of the Pelargonium genus of flower species, geraniums are grown for their beauty and as a staple of the perfume industry. While there are over 200 different varieties of Pelargonium flowers, only a few are used as essential oils.

Uses of Geranium essential oil date back to ancient Egypt when Egyptians used Geranium oil to beautify skin and for other benefits. In the Victorian era, fresh geranium leaves were placed at formal dining tables as decorative pieces and to be consumed as a fresh sprig if desired; in fact, the edible leaves and flowers of the plant are often used in desserts, cakes, jellies, and teas. As an essential oil, Geranium has been used to promote the appearance of clear skin and healthy hair—making it ideal for skin and hair care products. It also helps calm nerves and lessen feelings of stress. Geranium is also known to naturally repel insects.



  • Use in an aromatherapy steam facial to beautify skin.
  • Add a drop to your moisturizer for a smoothing effect.
  • Geranium is great for both dry and oily hair. Apply a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner bottle, or make your own deep hair conditioner.
  • Diffuse aromatically for a calming effect.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


Primary Benefits

  • Promotes the appearance of clear, healthy skin
  • Naturally repels insects
  • Gives hair a vibrant, healthy glow

To learn more and get yours HERE

References in Modern Essentials Book:

French Medicinal Uses include: Diabetes, diarrhea, gallbladder, gastric ulcer, jaundice, liver, sterility, urinary stones.

Historical Uses: Geranium oil has been used for dysentery, hemorrhoids, inflammations, heavy menstrual flow, and possibly even cancer (if the folktale is correct). It has also been said to be a remedy for bone fractures, tumors, and wounds.

Other Possible Uses
This oil may be used for acne, bleeding (increases to eliminate toxins, then stops), burns, circulatory problems (improves blood flow), depression, digestion, eczema, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, kidney stones, dilating biliary ducts for liver detoxification, menstrual problems, neuralgia (severe pain along the nerve), regenerating tissue and nerves, pancreas (balances), ringworm, shingles, skin (may balance the sebum, which is the fatty secretion in the sebaceous glands of the skin that keeps the skin supple. It is good for expectant mothers. It works as a cleanser for oily skin and may even liven up pale skin), sores, sore throats, and wounds.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Spearmint, Tangerine and Lime Essential oils

Spearmint is probably one of my favorite mint oils.

Mind you, it used to Peppermint, and I do still love the effects and smell of that amazing oil.

But if and when you’ve had a chance to try a spearmint brownie, or smell a homemade bar of rosemary and spearmint soap, then you too may fall in love with this milder mint.

Lime and Tangerine (as well as Lemon oils) are never far out of reach at our house.

For these warmer months there is nothing more refreshing in a summer cocktail that a twist of lime or lemon or citrus!

With these oils on hand you won’t ever have to worry about the beverage bar not being stocked with fresh citrus.

And I never make guacamole anymore without my lime and cilantro oils handy.

You may know that our favored supplier runs these amazing special three times a year. BOGO deals are becoming as popular as Amazon Prime Day specials in our Industry!

Offered three times a year this is a great time to stock up or replenish your favorite oils.

Well todays special (July 17th, 2018) of buy a (1) one 15ml Spearmint Oil and recieved (2) two 15ml bottles of Lime oil and Tangerine oil for FREE is so amazing.

I wanted to share more about these oils and some of the featured articles on how to use them.



Spearmint Chocolate Chip Cookies:

Tangerine and Spearmint Garbage disposal refreshers

Spearmint and Rosemary Soap:



Tangerine Punch:

Tangerine Cranberry Scones:

Tangerine Fruit Dip:



Strawberry and Lime Sugar Scrub

Lime and Raspberry Water (video)

Lime Chicken Tacos:


Raspberry and Lime Lemonade

If you are already a wholesale member or a customer you have likely already jumped at this amazing deal… there is a limit of 5 per account!

And these are definitely oils work stocking up on!

If you aren’t a customer yet, I would love to have you join our community by shopping through our link at HERE

We offer unlimited support and welcome your questions and offer lots of community and FREE instruction.

– Be Healthy, Happy, and Strong!

General Wellness Healthy Home Oral Health

Essential Oils for Soothing Throat Irritation.

There are so many uses for essential oils!

Learn how you can support your families needs and your own health as we explore options for supporting an irritation in the throat.

The following essential oils have been identified to eliminate germs, reduce swelling and support cellular health.


Peppermint oil is commonly used to reduce adverse health symptoms including increased body temperature, cough, unwanted pathogens, other threats causing swelling of the mouth and throat, including an irritated, scratchy throat.

Peppermint oil is also used for digestive problems, including burning sensation in chest, nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, abdominal discomfort and pain, cramps of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract and bile ducts, upset stomach, loose stool, overgrowth of unwanted pathogens of the small intestine, and bloating gas.

Peppermint essential oil contains menthol, which provides a cooling sensation and a calming effect to the body.

Research indicates that the cleansing, purifying and germ-destroying properties of peppermint essential oil can help alleviate an irritation in the throat.

Menthol also helps to sooth and calm throats as well as loosen mucus and break up coughs.


Lemon essential oil is known for its ability to cleanse toxins from any part of the body and is widely used to stimulate lymph drainage, to rejuvenate energy and purify skin.

Lemon oil is derived from the peel of the lemon and is excellent for irritated throats with it’s properties aiding in destroying germs, cleansing, reducing swelling, is high in vitamin C, increases salivation and helps keep the throat moist.


Today, oil from the eucalyptus tree appears in many over-the-counter cough and cold products to relieve congestion.

The health benefits of eucalyptus oil are due to its ability to stimulate immunity, provide cleansing protection and improve respiratory circulation.

Originally referred to as “eucalyptol” by the scientific community, the health benefits of eucalyptus oil come from a chemical now known as cineole, which is an organic compound shown to hold astounding, widespread medicinal effects — including everything from reducing swelling and pain to eliminating damaged and dangerous cells!

It’s no wonder it can be one of the steps to beat and minimize symptoms.


This well-known herb in oil form is a smart choice for defense against an irritated throat.

There is evidence that the essential oil of oregano has cleansing, purifying and germ-destroying properties.

One study published on Phytotherapy Research showed that protocols using oregano oil may be useful for unwanted pathogens in the gut.

If you have any doubts what oregano oil can do, it has even been shown to eliminate the superbug MRSA both as a liquid and as a vapor — and its germ-destroying activity is not diminished by heating it in boiling water.


Clove essential oil is useful for boosting the immune system, so it is extremely useful at discouraging symptoms and relieving an irritated throat.

The specific benefits of clove oil can be attributed to its cleansing, purifying, germ-destroying, and stimulating properties.

Chewing on a clove bud can help a irritated throat (as well as a achy tooth).

A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that clove essential oil shows antimicrobial activity against a large number of multi-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Its overall properties and ability to purify blood increases resistance to a multitude of diseases, including irritated throats.


Hyssop was used in ancient times as a cleansing herb for temples and other sacred places.

In ancient Greece, the physicians Galen and Hippocrates valued hyssop for inflammation of the throat and chest, pleurisy and other bronchial complaints.

It’s not surprising that hyssop has a long history of medicinal use. The cleansing properties of hyssop oil make it a powerful substance for fighting infections and eliminating unwanted pathogens.

Whether your irritated throat is viral or bacterial, hyssop is an excellent choice for a sore throat as well as lung inflammation.


Thyme oil has the strongest cleansing and purifying properties known, and it has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times.

Thyme supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous and other body systems.

A 2013 study tested thyme oil’s and four other essential oils response to oral health. The results of experiments showed that the oil from the thyme oil can act as an effective intracanal (root canal) antiseptic/cleansing solution against oral pathogens.

Thyme oil even demonstrated a good efficacy against antibiotic-resistant strains.

What a sure bet for that scratchy irritated throat!

Juniper Berry

With a sweet, woodsy smell, juniper berry essential oil is a popular ingredient in many household cleaning products, aromatherapy blends and fragrance sprays.

Today, juniper berry essential oil is also commonly used as one of the best natural remedies for irritation in the throat as well as respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches and joint discomfort.

Juniper berry’s use is validated by research that shows juniper berry essential oil actually contains over 87 different active constituent compounds, providing strong cleansing, purifying and germ-destroying effects .

How to Use Essential Oils for Throat Irritation

Essential oils can be used for a in three different ways for throat irritation: by inhalation, topical application or internal consumption.

1. Inhalation

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant-derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.

One main way to use essential oils for aromatherapy is to inhale the smell or aroma of an essential oil.

When the scent of an essential oil is inhaled, molecules enter the nasal cavities and stimulate a firing of mental response in the limbic system of the brain, including the regulation of stress or calming responses such as heart rate, breathing patterns, production of hormones and blood pressure.

Aromatherapy can be obtained by using essential oils as direct inhalations, in a bath with caution (remember oil and water don’t mix and a carrier is recommended to disperse oil safely to avoid skin sensitivity), in a vaporizer or humidifier, fan, vent, perfume, cologne, or through aromatherapy diffusers.

An easy way to regularly practice direct inhalation is by applying one to two drops of an essential oil onto the palm of your hand and rub your palms together, fingers outstretched; next, cup both hands over your nose and mouth and take 5–10 deep and slow breaths.    – Jennifer Knourek

You can also add two to three drops of an essential oil to a cotton ball and place it inside your pillow or in any place that will be easy to smell it.

Another excellent way to soothe a irritated throat is by inhaling the steam of boiling water containing a few drops of some of the essential oils I just mentioned.

Simply fill a big bowl with hot water and drape a towel over your head to create a tent and breathe in the steam.

Of course, be careful not to burn yourself.

2. Oral Use

Many essential oils can be ingested by the mouth; however, it is critical to make sure that the oils you use are safe and pure.  PLEASE DO NOT INGESTS OILS IF THEY ARE NOT LABELED SAVE TO INGEST.

Many oils on the market may be diluted or blended with synthetics that are unsafe for ingesting.

The FDA has approved some essential oils generically for internal use and given them the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation for human consumption.

By using essential oils in a gargle, you can directly have the essential oils come into contact with the problematic area.

Simply add one to two drops of essential oil to half a glass of mildly warm water and gargle for a minute or two.

Do not swallow the mixture after gargling.

A safe and effective way to consume essential oils according to the book: The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils; The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy, By Kurt Schnaubelt, is to add one drop of oil to a glass of water or in a teaspoon of honey.

Other oral application options include using capsules, making a tea, and cooking with essential oils.

3. Topical Application

Topical application of an essential oil involves placing an essential oil on the skin, hair, mouth, teeth, nails or mucous membranes of the body.

When the oils touch the body, they penetrate rapidly.

Since pure essential oils are so potent, it’s important to dilute them before using them on your body.

You can dilute an essential oil by blending it with a carrier oil (such as olive, jojoba, sweet almond, or coconut oil) or a natural unscented lotion.

Add 5–10 drops of essential oil to to two tablespoons of carrier oil or natural unscented lotion.

You can then apply the blended oil or lotion directly to an area of the body that will benefit the throat like the neck, chest, behind the ears, or bottoms of the feet.


Recipes Using Essential Oils for Irritated Throat

Easy: Steam Inhalation



  • 3 drops clove essential oil
  • 3 drops juniper berry essential oil
  • large bowl of boiling hot water


  1. Add the clove and juniper berry oils to a large bowl of boiled water.
  2. Drape a towel over head to create a tent over and around the bowl.
  3. Relax and breathe in the steam through mouth and nose.
  4. BE CAREFUL, not to burn yourself with the hot water.

Easy: Throat Gargle


  • 3 drops of Lemon essential oil
  • 1 drop of Eucalyptus essential oil
  • 1 cup tap warm water


  1. Add 3 drops of lemon oil and 1 drop of eucalyptus oil to your water.
  2. Several times; take small amount into mouth and gargle for 10 seconds and then SPIT OUT.
  3. Final sip; hold in mouth for a moment and then swallow.

Risks and Cautions

  • Make sure you are using therapeutic grade essential oils.
  • Inhaled or topical use of essential oils is generally safer than oral use.
  • When using for an irritating feeling in the throat, swish, don’t swallow any essential oils or apply undiluted essential oils to the skin without proper training or medical supervision.
  • It is critical to understand how best to use essential oils.
  • Always consult a trained and experience practitioner and conduct a patch test before proceeding with caution as essential oils may react differently for different individuals.


Infants, children, pregnant women, seniors and people with severe illnesses should not use essential oils internally except under the supervision of a physician.
If pregnant, check with a professional before using essential oils externally on your body as well.
If your sore throat is severe or lasts longer than one week, seek medical attention.



Oral Health Uncategorized

Oral Health – D.I.Y. healthy chewing

Essential Oil Gum Recipe

What You Need

  • Six ounces of natural beeswax
  • 1 drop of clove essential oil
  • 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil

What You Do

  • Use or make a double broiler.
  • Melt your beeswax.
  • Add the essential oil drops.
  • Pour the mixture into a silicon mold or ice tray and freeze for 2-3 hours or until hardened.
  • Chew!

Important Note: Please do not use cheap essential oils for this recipe. You will be ingesting these oils as you chew the gum so I highly recommend you avoid brands that may have synthetic additives (which are not always listed on the bottle).

Our personal recommendation are DoTerra essential oils have been tested for purity and are labeled appropriately for internal use. But many cheaper oils aren’t safe to use internally due to how they were produced so be aware.

You can add a healthy sweetener such as xylitol or stevia if you like. I think the cinnamon oil added enough flavor but ultimately it’s up to you and your preference.

There are also other oils options to include as an alternative like Slim and Sassy Blend, Lemon, Grapefruit, Peppermint or Spearmint, and you can even consider OnGuard Blend.

Why use Clove Oil?

For many years, clove oil has been used in dentistry as a numbing agent. It’s powerful and safe as long as it is diluted (which the beeswax does in this recipe). Clove oil is the perfect solution when experiencing a bout of sensitive teeth after eating something cold or drinking a hot beverage and goes well with cinnamon.

And it has also been reported that clove oil decreases decalcification of teeth and actually stimulates remineralization. Now that is awesome!

Why Cinnamon Essential Oil?

Because it tastes good! It has also been linked to improved immune function because it is naturally purifying and germ-destroying. Cinnamon also lifts mood and helps to relieve sadness or self-doubt. And some even believe it to be a natural aphrodisiac – WHAT?!

In Closing

Chewing gum has its benefits. So as long as you don’t chew like a cow. hewing can be a healthy activity for your oral heal and your cravings.

And with a couple of minutes, three ingredients and the amazing power of essential oils, you can make your own chewing gum that tastes good, improves the condition of your teeth and improves your mood. Sounds like a win!

Skin Support Uncategorized

DIY Sugar Scrub for the Fall Season

Sugar scrubs are a great way to exfoliate and soften your skin and can easily be customized using different types of sugar, salt, and essential oils.

This festive fall sugar scrub is gentle on your skin and has a delicious spicy fall aroma. (This scrub is naturally white in color but can be changed with natural, skin-safe, food coloring.)


-¾ cup white sugar

-½ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil

-4 drops Cassia oil

-4 drops Clove oil

-2–4 drops Ginger oil

Tip: You can use brown sugar or sea salt in place of white sugar and almond oil, grapeseed oil, or olive oil in place of Fractionated Coconut Oil.


-Combine sugar and Fractionated Coconut Oil in bowl.

-Add essential oils.

-Stir until the mixture is the consistency of a slushy. You may need to add more sugar or -Fractionated Coconut Oil for desired consistency.

-For separate colors, divide scrub into bowls separate bowls and add color then carefully pour each layer.

Let me know how I can help you!  – Jen & Joe



Our preferred choice in Essential oils are directly from the wholesale provider and producer of the oil.   Exclusive partnership relationships with generations of harvesters and growers and a company who’s integrity and caring are second to none.  A Customer Service department with caring commitment to quality control and support of their customer base and direct guarantees from the company to ensure quality, efficacy and potency.  If you would like to learn more about our personal choice and journey with the oils and supplements which have transformed our lives, please visit our site HERE

Events and Classes General Wellness

Discover Essential Oil Balance

Did you know that a wholesale membership with doTERRA is like your membership at Costco or Sam’s Club.  Affordable membership grants access to wholesale pricing, promotions, support and training.  So that is atually better than the other “wholesale clubs” who don’t offer training and support. 

Start with us to earn one of these 

New Essential Life Books for FREE. Additional diffusers for your home, Free Oil, LLV Kit, & More*. 

Several enrollment kits are available, bundling products often at discount to wholesale prices, for various personal home use. No selling required and your membership fee is included.

Message us for details on an exclusive limited time offer available this month!

Your doTERRA Membership includes: 25-55% off future orders! Shipping credit on orders. 24/7 access to my private groups and me for full support, coaching, education, and more. 

No Monthly orders & selling are required – No Pressure!

Contact me a few ways for details: via Facebook messenger, text or call 847-922-3298, or email ANYTIME!

If you are ready to get started now, just follow this link:


Pick your membership type. (many start out as Wholesale Customers until they choose to becomes Wellness Advocates themselves).

Fill out personal information.

Our ID for enroller/sponsor is:2923893

On the next page choose your kit.

Then input your payment information and check out.

Once enrolled, add me as a friend on Facebook: Jennie Knourek and I’ll add you to my private groups! And you can visit our page on Facebook. @OpenRoadEssentialOils

We are excited to get you started with your doTERRA journey!

*Free item qualification based on kit chosen during enrollment.