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MASTER YOUR METABOLISM – a well oiled journey to better health



…and Yes, it is possible. All personal change starts with you!

As we get old we don’t break, but we do show signs of wear & tear, and that is why we are suggesting some new habits and integrating some new healthy options to support your health, cleanse your bodies, and Master your Metabolism. Ocassionally I will have product recommendations for you and when something you may want to add to your life to make this process easier is needed I may share a link to a product you may want to consider.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Funding with these referral commissions enable me to keep this site going and continue to offer some insight, support and guidance.

Master Your Metabolism. Let’s get started.

A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally. There are a number of oils and supplements from trusted providers that can help support you in your efforts, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

Take the next step in your health journey and learn how to Master Your Metabolism I will be here to help you during this journey!

Our health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness.

While some of these variables are beyond our control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways we can influence, and even control significant factors of aging and wellness.

To help you get started, you can download this free Master Your Metabolism Workbook here.


Here is your product Checklist. When you download the workbook you will have this and can print it off. Keep this by your supplements as a reminder for the week on what products you are integrating into your daily regime.

You will need to order

● LifeLong Vitality

● Yarrow/Pom

● Slim and Sassy Oil or Slim and Sassy Softgels

● Slim and Sassy Gum

It take some time to create a new habit, so we need to set ourselves up for success!

TIP: If you are already a doTERRA wholesale customer, be sure to order these in your LRP template to earn the product and shipping credits!

These worksheets are attached to the back of the eBook you can download HERE.


A goal without a plan is just a wish. So let’s make a plan!

Here are FOUR worksheets to help you have success:

  1. Check out an example of goal setting
  2. A blank sheet for you to print out and fill out YOUR goals before Monday
  3. One that will help you track your progress
  4. One that will help you prep for the week

Plus, print out the daily Monday-Friday pages to track your daily habits. Try to fill the “Weekday Sheets” out for 2-3 days to see what you are achieving!


The FREE Master Your Metabolism E-book contains all the details of the Master Your Metabolism product information, schedule and additional recipes for this Master Your Metabolism Challenge. Click to download it HERE.


Welcome to Master Your Metabolism! This is a snapshot of how we will be incorporating the Master Your Metabolism products into our days.


Did you know ….

  • Black tea supports the immune system and balances hormone levels…plus fights stress by reducing cortisol levels! Freaking SCORE! I tell you, black tea is so underrated!
  • Rooibos Tea! This is one awesome RED Tea! It comes with No Caffeine, boosts immune system, eases stomach cramps and even helps with blood circulation.
  • And did I mention Green Tea helps with WEIGHT LOSS? Yes, there is a book I read not too long ago about Tea and Weight loss and green tea was one of the featured Tea’s. Simple, yes! When I feel hungry between meals I make a cup of tea. Boosts my metabolism and I rarely need anything to eat. The warmth of the tea is satisfying.
  • Honeybush tea is another African tea is absolutely delicious and add some honey and nut milk to this tea and it’s like dessert in a cup! This tea is known to help with regulating sugar levels which is an added bonus during this time of Mastering our Metabolism.

You can us 1 drop of essential oil with honey for some of the single tea options… But I really do love the blended teas and a garden with any collection of these plants is not only a wonderful source of fresh teas when you want them, but it is also a relaxing hobby to sow, cultivate, and harvest these herbs for yourself.

There are many excellent tea herbs available to the home gardener. Here are some of my favorites: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens)
Pineapple mint (Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’)
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) for sweetening the tea
Roman chamomile (Chamaemlum nobile)
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans)
Purple basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Osmin’)
Holy basil or Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Cinnamon basil (Ocimum basilicum ‘Cinnamon’)
Lemon basil (Ocimum x africanum)
Lemon thyme (Thymus citriodorus)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia or L. officinalis)
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
Bee balm (Monarda didyma)
Wild bergamont (Monarda fistula)
Signet marigolds (Tagetes tenuifolia)

Let’s make a goal to integrate 2 of the tea recipes below for the rest of the week! And for you overachievers, let’s see if you can knock out all of them!

You can add the oils to water or even add any of your dry herbal options to these oils.


Historically, yarrow essential oil was used to soothe the skin, beautify the hair, relax the body and calm the mind. … umm, yes please!

While still in high demand for its amazing topical applications, Yarrow|Pom is now also highly coveted for the many benefits when taken internally.

Check out the graphic below for a deeper dive into its internal uses and benefits.

TODAY: ADD 1-2 drops in a veggie cap or directly under the tongue or make a Yarrow/POM tea.


This oil is a powerhouse! So we suggest you start small! 1 drop internally to start! Work your way up to the 2 drops 2x a day!


Check out image below on why drinking water is so important to our success for a Healthy Metabolism. Setting our body up for success and helping it feel great will make you feel amazing and want to keep up these new habits!

Hydration is key for many factors that play a role in weight loss, including:

  1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant ⏤ When the stomach senses that it is full, it sends signals to the brain to stop eating. Water can help to take up space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reducing hunger. Drinking a glass of water before reaching for something to eat can help to curb unnecessary snacking.
  2. Water increases calorie burning ⏤ Drinking cold water may further enhance water’s calorie-burning benefits, because the body expends energy {calories} by heating up the water for digestion.
  3. Water helps to remove waste from the body ⏤ When the body is dehydrated, it cannot properly remove waste. Water helps the kidneys to filter toxins and waste while the organ retains essential nutrients and electrolytes.
  4. Drinking water can reduce overall liquid calorie intake ⏤ It’s easy to accumulate liquid calories by drinking soda, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea. Replacing even a few high-calorie drinks each day for water or herbal tea, may have long-term weight loss benefits. (refer to the PRINTABLE sheets for your tribe to track water intake)
  5. Water is necessary to burn fat ⏤ Without water, the body cannot properly metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates.
  6. Water helps with workouts ⏤ One of the most important components of any weight loss plan is exercise. Water helps muscles, connective tissues, and joints to move correctly, as well as helps the lungs, heart, and other organs work effectively as they ramp up activity during exercise.


Did you know that our metabolism is influenced by more than our diet and lifestyle choices?

A healthy metabolism actually begins with a healthy immune system, which begins with a healthy diet containing optimal levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

Poor nutrition, stress, inadequate rest, and exposure to other environmental stressors can all lead to weakened defenses and other factors that can compromise health. The dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program is formulated to provide nutritional support for healthy immune function.

Alpha CRS+ provides powerful antioxidant and immune support through a potent blend of polyphenols and the carotenoids lutein and lycopene.

xEO Mega and vEO Mega are formulated with immune supporting essential fatty acids, astaxanthin, and a proprietary blend of essential oils including Clove Bud, Frankincense, and Thyme.

Microplex VMz is a balanced formula of essential vitamins and chelated minerals that include immune-supporting nutrients; vitamins A, C, E, and B6; and the mineral Zinc.

Check out the graphic below for more in depth look at the role of our immune system in metabolic function.


If you are to new LLV make sure you start with 1 of all three for 2-3 days, work up to the full dose adding one more every 2-3 days.


Recipe Below! This is what I use to fuel my morning! Or if you want to try another breakfast option make the strawberry yogurt bark!!


Exercise does more than just burn calories. It can positively influence many components of health, including body chemistry and physiology. Proper exercise expends calories during and after activity, promotes better sleep, decreases cravings for unhealthy food, and can even elevate cognitive function.

To achieve a well-rounded fitness routine, incorporate aerobic, strength, and flexibility training into your exercise each week.

CHALLENGE: BURN IT OUT TODAY! IDEAS: Brisk 30 min walk, HIIT exercise, YOGA, BARRE. Try a new workout by googling workouts on YOUTUBE!

Download the “Calorie Counter” app to keep track of your movement all year!


One of the main benefits of the Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum is that it can help manage hunger cravings. As you alter your routine and diet, cravings will creep in and can derail any progress you’ve made. Instead of giving in to powerful cravings, you can chew on a piece of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum to help quiet your cravings and stay on track with your weight management aspirations.

Haven’t ever tried Slim & Sassy Metabolic Gum? What are you waiting for!?



Snacking when we are starving can add unnecessary calories but if we have some healthy snacks prepped ahead of time we are more likely to grab these than a bag of potato chips or cookies. Energy Balls are one of my favorite snacks. Even my kiddos will fight for the last few that are left! Another favorite mid day smoothie is the Peanut Butter Cacao Nib Smoothie. It is sweet and filling and curbs my cravings for hours. Pair these recipes with the teas and Slim and Sassy Gum and you will be setting yourself up for success!


Sugar cravings are common and can often be explained by simple things, like the side effects from certain foods in your diet or a bad habit that has reprogramed your brain.

But some sugar cravings can be a result of an underlying nutrient deficiency, stress, depression, and or poor sleep patterns.

Consider these SIX quick tips for success while you plan long-term behavior changes to minimize cravings:


Let’s Start the Day off right with DRY BRUSHING WITH SLIM & SASSY OIL! Not only do we want to ingest Slim and Sassy oil in a capsule or our water but topically is an amazing addition to our skin and health.


Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend is predominantly used internally, but did you know that topical application of this proprietary blend also boasts amazing results?

One of our favorite ways to use Slim & Sassy topically is in combination with dry brushing – the act of brushing over dry skin. It is a natural health practice that stimulates the connective tissue attached to the capillaries sitting under the skin, which assists the lymphatic flow around the body ridding the body of toxins and waste and improving circulation. Research also suggests that dry brushing helps reduce cellulite by speeding up metabolism, which helps break down fatty deposits or toxins within the bloodstream that often cause cellulite.

Regular dry skin brushing exfoliates dry, rough skin, enabling moisturizing products to more readily absorb into the skin, assists with stimulation of sweat and oil glands, contributing to the restoration of moist, supple skin, strengthens pores by assisting with increased skin tone, and gently stretches connective tissue to help regenerate production of collagen and elastin fibres.

Enhance these amazing benefits with the addition of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend to your dry brushing regimen!


Did you know that Epsom salt is not actually salt, but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate? Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits as well as many beauty, household, and gardening-related uses, making it a household essential.

The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years and have beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind, and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating colds and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body.

The fan favorite way to use Epsom salts is a long, relaxing soak in the tub. Add the health-promoting benefits of Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend to those of Epsom salts, and prepare to leave the tub a different {wo}man than when you entered it!


There are many reasons why we gain weight, but the most common causes are the direct results of excessive eating and poor nutrition.

While the focus for weight management should primarily be on what and how much food is consumed {appetite} and how well it is utilized as fuel by the body {metabolism}, balancing other processes such as blood sugar, inflammation and hormones is often necessary for long-lasting results.

Check out the image for some insight into the role of essential oils in weight loss and maintenance.


You never really appreciate how important rest and stress management are until a lack of them is already having a powerfully negative impact on your overall health.

Modern life is often fraught with stress, and almost everyone is ironically too busy to deal with it. It can be easy to excuse it away and say that we work best under stress, that stress is a great motivator. This is partly true; the good type of stress, known as “eustress” helps us seize the moment, and invigorates us to achieve a tangible goal.

On the flip side, there is also bad stress, called “distress”, that can be harmful in the long run. When we face either type of stress in our daily lives, our bodies respond by secreting a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is useful to help us react to temporary stress, like the stress caused by deadlines. But scientists say that too much cortisol can cause weight gain, negative emotions, joint discomfort, and more.

Unfortunately anxious feelings and stressful situations are not going to simply disappear. This is where dealing with our stress becomes a priority. Managing a lot of daily stress comes down to some simple and quick solutions listed below. While this list is not comprehensive, it is a start in helping you identify ways to help yourself. We recommend that you pick the easiest solutions for you, and then practice them on a daily basis or whenever you feel the need.


Whew! There’s been a lot of information coming at you this week, and to end strong we wanted to take a quick minute to recap how you can Master Your Metabolism with the support of essential oils!



Now it’s time for an overview of some of the “Healthy Habits” which ones did you find easy to do or not so easy to do? Which ones were the most effective at helping you stay true to your goals?


Let’s celebrate this week with a sweet treat that won’t pack on the calories! Make some yummy Freezer Fudge or make a Nut Butter + Granola sandwich as a unique healthy and filling snack!


Have you loved being on this week long journey of education on ways to Master your Metabolism while learning so much along the way?

Make sure you are plugged into our ongoing education.

Please Follow and like my Facebook page for Essential Oil Education, Online Classes and more Essential Oil recipes.

And If you would like to be in the loop of some awesome Give-aways and Special Offers, please join my exclusive VIP Facebook Group.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Events and Classes General Wellness Nervous System Skin Support

Cypress Essential Oil

The scent of any evergreen is like heaven to me. But I am always fascinated with the unique benefits that the different evergreens offer on a chemical and aromatic level.

If you struggle with oily skin, the natural chemical components of Cypress essential oil can help improve the appearance of an oily complexion. Simply add a drop or two of Cypress essential oil to your skin toner to improve an oily complexion without drying the skin out.

One of the ways I love to use Cypress is in my haircare routine. It is a simple and cost effective way to add that extra something to my shampoo and conditioner without the costly price tag.

Oily Scalp!?

I have my dad’s oily scalp and usually within a day after shampooing my hair can feel weighed down and heavy… This is what I do… I apply 1-2 drops of oil to hands, and Massage into hair and scalp before bath or shower; then shampoo and rinse hair as normal.

I also will add 1-2 drop of oil to 2 TBS of an unscented shampoo or shower gel, and use to shampoo hair.

You will love the powerful, clean refreshing scent of Cypress essential oil. Not only does this oil have a strong, unique scent, but its uses are both vast and practical.

You get the best of both worlds with Cypress!

doTERRA® Cypress essential oil is a blend of two species: “Cupressus sempervirens” and “Cupressus lusitanica.” This creates the perfect blend of chemical constituents and provides jobs in multiple communities. These species are sourced from Morocco, Spain, and Kenya.

Listen to a replay of this Podcast to learn more HERE

In addition to its benefits for the skin, Cypress essential oil has a very distinct aroma that promotes energy and vitality. For an energizing boost, place a few drops of Cypress in your essential oil diffuser.

Cypress essential oil pairs well with other refreshing essential oils like Lemon, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Lime, and Lavender.

You can also take advantage of the invigorating and energizing benefits of Cypress oil by applying it topically. You can apply Cypress to the feet and legs for vitality before working out, or to the chest to promote energy. When applying Cypress essential oil topically, you can and I recommend you add a carrier oil or lotion, like Fractionated Coconut Oil, or a non scented Body Lotion for easy application.

Not only will Cypress essential oil invigorate the body when applied topically, and the senses when diffused aromatically, but the chemical makeup of Cypress makes it grounding yet stimulating for the emotions.

This makes it a useful oil during times of transition or loss, when you may be experiencing unsettled emotions. To experience the grounding and stimulating benefits of Cypress oil, you can add a few drops to a bath with Epsom salts, or simply rub a drop or two between the palms and inhale.

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

The clean, fresh aroma of Cypress essential oil promotes vitality and energy, while topical application helps to invigorate the senses.


Derived from the branches of the tall evergreen tree, Cypress essential oil has a fresh, clean aroma that’s energizing and refreshing.

Cypress is frequently used in spas and by massage therapists. And Cypress essential oil can be diffused or inhaled directly, but in its distilled concentrated form it should not be swallowed or taken internally. Cypress contains monoterpenes, making it beneficial for oily skin conditions. It has a grounding, yet stimulating effect on emotions, making it a popular oil to diffuse during times of transition or loss.


  • Prior to a long run, apply to feet and legs for an energizing boost.
  • Apply two to three drops to the chest before gardening to promote vitality and energy.
  • Diffuse with Lime essential oil for an invigorating scent.
  • Mix together Cypress and Grapefruit essential oils with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for an invigorating massage.
  • Add one to two drops to toner to help improve the appearance of oily skin.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.

Primary Benefits

  • Promotes vitality and energy
  • Helps improve the appearance of oily skin


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

PLEASE NOTE: Because of its chemical properties, Cypress essential oil should never be swallowed or used internally.

Learn more about Cypress Oil and get your own bottle at wholesale

Our Preferred choice in Essential oils is directly from the wholesale provider and producer of the oil.   Exclusive partnership relationships with generations of harvesters and growers and a company whose integrity and caring are second to none.  A Customer Service department with a caring commitment to quality control and support of their customer base and direct guarantees from the company to ensure quality, efficacy, and potency.  

If you would like to get a bottle of cypress with a wholesale account and our favorite recommendation for an unscented lotion you can get started today HERE

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

General Wellness Men Skin Support Women

Terrashield Spray

TerraShield® Spray  Outdoor Blend

TerraShield Outdoor Blend is your ideal safe and natural outdoor companion.

It’s time for TerraShield Outdoor Blend!

No matter where the summer takes you, you’ll want to have TerraShield on hand. The sights, sounds, and smells of summer. The majestic mountains, the crash of the ocean, grilling in your own backyard, walking or hiking, or just sitting and enjoying the outdoors on your back deck — it’s time to get outside.

Aromatic Use

Topical Use

Safe to apply Neat (no dilution required)

Apply TerraShield on your skin for an invigorating scent while hiking or camping or diffuse during outdoor events for an inviting atmosphere. Its unique combination of Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Catnip, Lemon Eucalyptus, Litsea, Arborvitae, Nootka, and Vanilla Bean Absolute is a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts. The addition of Tamanu oil provides skin-soothing benefits and through dōTERRA’s Co-Impact Sourcing®, the harvesting of Tamanu oil is positively affecting the livelihood of harvesters in Madagascar.

TerraShield’s fresh, woody aroma complements all sorts of adventures. Available in both a 15mL bottle and 30mL spray, TerraShield Outdoor Blend is your ideal, safe, and natural outdoor companion.


Size:30mL, 1oz




  • Apply TerraShield to the legs, arms, and neck before going outdoors or diffuse on your patio.
  • Take TerraShield on camping trips or to outdoor events.
  • Spray-on clothing, pant legs, tent openings, shirt sleeves

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Topical use: Apply to desired areas before outdoor activity. Reapply every few hours as needed.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Primary Benefits

  • Delivers an invigorating aroma 
  • Provides skin-soothing benefits
  • Creates an inviting atmosphere when diffused
  • May be used by everyone in the family


Fractionated Coconut Oil, Ylang Ylang Flower, Tamanu Seed, Nootka Wood, Cedarwood Wood, Catnip Plant, Lemon Eucalyptus Leaf, Litsea Fruit, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Arborvitae Wood

Aromatic Description

Airy, fresh, sweet, woody

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

General Wellness Science

Sunshine and Safe use of essential oils

An important part of empowered Health and Wellness is an understanding of the Safety and proper use of what we are introducing to our systems.

Plant medicine and Herbal use can contribute to a sensitivity and physical response in our system just as much as a concentrated oil can. And of course we can support and strengthen our immune response to protect us from an accelerated reaction, but the purity and concentrated potency of CTPG oils can not be ignored. These are very effective and very safe to use, but care must be considered when applying them topically and some oils are particularly sensitive to light and exposure to the sun and UV light.


Photosensitization is the process in which ultraviolet (UV) radiation combines with a particular substance and causes chemical or biological changes. Some essential oils contain furocoumarins, a special class of constituent that can cause photosensitization of the skin.

The most commonly found furocoumarins in essential oils are bergapten and oxypeucedanin. The chemical structure of these molecules (and their metabolites) allows them to form cross-links with skin cell DNA, in turn making the skin especially susceptible to UV radiation.

During the process, free radicals and singlet oxygen are also formed and can inflict damage on cellular membranes, organelles, and proteins.

If exposed to sunlight (which gives off UV radiation) after topical application of a photosensitive oil, the skin may become temporarily darkly pigmented, red, or irritated. 

Photosensitivity and phototoxicity apply to topical use of essential oils only and do not pose the same risks when used internally. When using a photosensitive essential oil topically, avoidance of sunlight is recommended for up to 12 hours after use.

Always use a carrier oil when applying an essential oil topically to your skin and always apply these oils WHERE THE SUN DON’T SHINE to avoid a Phototoxic or Photosensitive reaction!

Essential Oils that May Cause Phototoxic or Photosensitive Reactions:


Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Better Sleep Emotional General Wellness Healthy Home Immune Support Nervous System

Why choose a Wellness Program?

The Wellness Program is a simple, almost effortless way for you to targeted support for the wellness track you are on.

Are you looking for Better Sleep? There is a Wellness Program just for that! Are you looking to support Immunity, Respiratory, Mind & Mood, or is someone focused on Pain relief. Well with these specific health goals in mind you can get the exact products you need for what you want to achieve.

As a Wholesale club member, you can benefit greatly and not have to worry about changing your order or learning about a new product. doTERRA has removed the hassle of figuring out which essential oils and products to use. You also get members-only access to our training and regular consultations and support.

There’s no need to repeat the same pattern of scrambling to put together the perfect oil regimen yourself when you can just sign up for a Wellness Program!

How It Works

Automatically get a new kit every month while you’re in the program.

Choose your program.

Pick from Immunity, Mind & Mood, Relief, Sleep, or Respiratory.

Use your products.

Each month, you receive a new kit of specialized products for your program.

Own your health.

Start seeing real results as you integrate essential oils into your daily routine.

Repeat or pick a new program, start the same program again, or pick a different one for a new set of powerful benefits.

Wellness Program Respiratory

Breathe in. Breathe out. Learn More

Wellness Program Sleep

Rest, recharge, and refresh. Learn More

Wellness Program Immunity

Protect, strengthen, and respond. Learn More

Wellness Program Relief

Comfort, support, and soothe. Learn More

Wellness Program Mind & Mood

Balance, restore, and adapt. Learn More

visit the doTERRA site for more information

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

General Wellness Healthy Home

Avoiding Toxins

How to Avoid toxins should be something we educate our children about in schools.

From birth, the human body is designed to protect against and remove as many toxins as possible. Toxins are all around us—in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals we clean with.

So what does “Toxic load” mean? This refers to the volume of toxic substances that have been accumulated in the body at any given time and the overall burden it places on the body systems and vital organs.

Minimizing exposure to potentially harmful chemicals on a daily basis is the most effective method for limiting toxic load.

Where do toxins come from?

Toxins come from countless sources, many of which we are not even aware of. Environmental threats, chemicals, and radiation are three of the most common categories. The three most common pathways of exposure are the lungs, the digestive tract, and the skin.

We are directly exposed to toxins through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and anything that contacts our skin.

How to reduce toxic load

You might have wondered, “What are some ways that I can reduce my toxic load in my everyday life?”

Lifestyle habits such as exercising and eating right will help tremendously with decreasing toxic load. Reducing stress will aid our system in coping with the toxins in our bodies and stepping outside to take in some daily sunshine or UV light can also benefit us.

However, there are some additional ways you can reduce your exposure to toxins.

Tips to Avoid Toxins

  • Clean out under your sink; replace traditional cleaning products with doTERRA On Guard Cleaner Concentrate
  • Use natural personal care products when possible, such as the Verage® skin care line
  • Keep your air fresh and clean by diffusing essential oils like doTERRA On Guard® and Lemon
  • Eat whole foods and decrease the amount of processed foods in your diet

As you learn more about ingredients found in the products you use every day, you will be better able to make healthier decisions when selecting the best home cleaning and personal care products.

Do it Yourself

Cleaning Wipes


  1. Cut paper towel in half widthwise with serrated or electric knife. Use half the roll now and half later.
  2. Combine water, Fractionated Coconut Oil, essential oils, and On Guard Foaming Hand Wash in a small bowl.
  3. Pour mixture over paper towels and cover with airtight lid. Let mixture absorb for 10 minutes.
  4. Turn container over and let sit for another 10 minutes.
  5. Remove and discard cardboard tube. Pull wipes from center of the roll when ready to use.

Avoid Toxins with this easy All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner

  • 5–10 drops Lemon oil
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup vinegar


  1. Combine all ingredients in a glass container and mix well.
  2. Spray on the surface you wish to clean and wipe off with a clean cloth.

Avoid Toxins with this Natural Oven Cleaner

  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon coarse salt
  • ¼ cup liquid dish soap (you can use up some of the liquid detergent soap you will be ditching) 
  • 5 drops Lemon essential oil or OnGuard blend


  1. Combine ingredients to make a thick paste
  2. Apply a generous layer to the inside of the oven and allow to sit for several hours.
  3. Clean out with a sponge.

I hope you have found this helpful! Be Healthy, Happy, and Strong!

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

General Wellness Members Only

Protected: Detoxing before and after getting “The Shot”

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Emotional General Wellness Men Nervous System Skin Support

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile – Anthemis nobilis

This essential oil is calming to the body* and to the emotions. Its scent is gentle, yet strong. Roman Chamomile provides a truly soothing effect for the mind and body* as well as the skin.

Roman Chamomile has long been one of my favorite calming oils and in my opinion it isn’t overly floral in fragrance, which is why I like to use it in lotions and beard oils for my husband.

Usage Tips:

  • Add a couple drops to your herbal tea to make your own chamomile tea while simultaneously accessing the relaxing internal benefits.*
  • Rub into the feet to help soothe and calm a fussy child before a nap or bedtime.
  • Add a few drops into your favorite skin and hair care products to promote healthy-looking skin and hair with a floral, sweet twist in scent.
  • Diffuse Roman Chamomile, or a blend that includes it, during your bedtime routine to help ease your mind and body as they unwind and prepare for sleep. 

How Do You Use Roman Chamomile Essential Oil?

Sweet, floral, and herbaceous, the aroma of Roman Chamomile is soothing. Aromatically and topically it is soothing to the skin and emotions. You can apply Roman Chamomile to sensitive skin for its calming and relaxing effects. Isoamyl tiglate—one of the main chemical components of Roman Chamomile essential oil—promotes feelings of relaxation during times of anxiousness or discomfort, especially when used aromatically. You can diffuse it, apply it to pulse points, and inhale it from the hands to aid feelings of serenity and calm.

What Are the Benefits of Roman Chamomile Oil?

It is also soothing to the body systems when taken internally.* This is primarily due to the chemical constituent Isobutyl angelate. Experimental research suggests that it may help soothe the digestive and immune systems, as well as generally provide calming properties throughout the body.*

Human clinical research done with women in postpartum care found that a combination of Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Myrrh, Neroli, Rose, Grapefruit, Mandarin, and Orange oil in an aroma-sitz bath or soap provided soothing properties. Roman Chamomile is also a part of the ClaryCalm® Monthly Blend for Women.

Where Does Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Come From?

Roman Chamomile essential oil is steam distilled from the flower of the plant. These flowers are daisy-like and smell sweet—almost like apples. There are several varieties of chamomile. The most common use of chamomile is in herbal teas, but it is also used for its fragrance in many perfumes and personal care products. 

A Personal Note:

After using essential oils in our home for well over 18 years it may be hard to believe, but I do have my favorites. You know what I mean? You can love them all but there are a certain few that just stick out and work with you or affect you in just the right way. Well, I can admit that Roman Chamomile is one of those oils. I personally like to apply it to the bottoms of my feet if I am overtired and need to take a rest. I personally find this oil very soothing and I think you may too.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Blog Articles:

Roman Chamomile Oil Uses and Benefits

Using the Floral Oils

The 7 Best Calming Essential Oils

Best Essential Oil Room Sprays

Behind the doTERRA Baby Collection

Also Found In:


doTERRA Serenity®

Clary Calm


Additional Videos:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

General Wellness

Emotional aromatherapy collection

The doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy Collection is a revolutionary collection of aromatic plant families around a continuum of emotions for a simple, profound approach to using fragrant essential oils in emotional aromatherapy applications.

Historically, individual essential oils were used with great effectiveness by skilled aromatherapists. Now doTERRA makes emotional aromatherapy easy and accessible for anyone dealing with common negative emotions with this wonderful line of proprietary essential oil blends representing six categories of emotional well-being.

Each delicate blend contains CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils that can be used aromatically or topically to help balance and brighten your changing moods.

Just a few drops of these naturally complex, fragrant blends can elicit profound emotional responses to help you let go of burdens, find comfort and encouragement, or inspire you to dream with passion again.

This kit includes:


  • Use aromatically in an essential oil diffuser.
  • Apply 1 or 2 drops in your palms, rub hands together, cup in front of your nose, and inhale deeply (do not touch eyes).
  • Dilute and apply topically to aromatherapy touch points such as the back of the neck, on the wrists, and over the heart.

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Would you like to get a FREE 30 minute WELLNESS CONSULT?

How about a chance to win a FREE Wholesale Membership for a Year with this amazing Emotional Aromatherapy Collection!?

Just Click on the Link above and complete the form to schedule your consult before the end of the month! (the winner’s name will be drawn and contacted on the morning of the last day of each month in 2021) Rules: you must not have a current/active doTERRA account or be working with another wellness advocate. You must be over the age of 18 years old to win, and you must be a resident of US, Canada, or Mexico.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Emotional General Wellness Nervous System recipe Skin Support Women

Green Mandarin Oil Citrus nobilis

Don’t you just love learning about new essential oils? Well, Green Mandarin essential oil is known for supporting healthy digestive and immune systems when used internally.* Also a cool thing to know is that Green Mandarin essential oil is pressed from the unripened fruit of the mandarin tree, while Red Mandarin essential oil comes from a more mature fruit. This oil has some pretty amazing properties which include being anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antitumor, antiviral, expectorant, laxative, and sedative.

Primary Benefits of Green Mandarin oil

  • Supports healthy nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems when consumed*
  • Known for its soothing and uplifting aroma
  • Internal use helps maintain healthy immune function*

This has been such an amazing oil for us as of late because we have just recently lost some pretty special people in our lives. The aromatic scent of Green Mandarin oil is bright, fresh and has been effective for soothing strong emotions such as anger, grief, and shock. It can also be sedating and calming to the nervous system while promoting courage and quiet strength.

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.

Internal use: Dilute one drop in four fluid ounces of liquid or take in a capsule. You can also use a flavoring in cooking or salad dressings.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.

This oil is Kosher certified.

Internal Use

Green Mandarin oil is regarded as safe (GRAS) for human consumption by the FDA so you can dilute 1 drop of oil in 1 tsp. of honey or in a 1/2 cup of yogurt, although this oil is not recommended for children under 6 years old. And when using Green Mandarin oil topically use with caution and in greater dilution for children and the elderly or health compromised. All essential oils that are dated or oxidized oil may irritate highly sensitive skin, so be sure to note the expiration date on the bottom of every bottle you get directly from doTERRA. Because this is a a citrus oil for topical application I always recommend dilution for proper absorption and safety.

  • Incorporate Green Mandarin essential oil in your home as a food preservative or dilute it in a spray bottle to clean the surfaces of your kitchen.
  • You may experience the benefits of this oil when taken internally as it may help soothe the nervous system.*
  • Incorporate into your oral hygiene routine to promote healthy-looking teeth.
  • Take one to two drops to help support healthy immune function and response.*
  • Diffuse Green Mandarin oil with Basil, Sandalwood, Lavender, or Spearmint to create a positive, uplifting environment.

Other Possible Uses

This oil may help with cellulite, circulation, constipation, diarrhea, digestive system disorders, dizziness, fat digestion, fear, flatulence, gallbladder (gallstones), heartburn, insomnia, intestinal spasms, irritability, limbs (tired and aching), liver problems, lymphatic system congestion (helps stimulate drainage), obesity, parasites, sadness, stomach (tonic), stress, stretch marks (smooths when blended with lavender), swelling, and water retention (alleviates edema).*


Body Systems Supported include Emotional Balance, Digestive System, Immune/Lympatic System, & Skin and Hair

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying product.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils

Aromatic Features of Green Mandarin oil

Type: Top Note (5-20% of the blend)

Scent: Bright, citrus, fruit, slightly sweet and herbal

Intensity: 3

Collection Method

Cold pressed

Plant Part


Main Constituents

Internal use of Green Mandarin is known for its soothing properties for the nervous system and can be supportive of healthy digestive function.* Limonene, one of the main chemical components of Green Mandarin essential oil, is renowned for its surface cleansing properties. Limonene may also help support cellular function, along with γ-Terpinene. Green Mandarin oil may provide antioxidant support and help support cardiovascular health when taken internally.* Create a bright and energized environment while diffusing the sweet, refreshing aroma of Green Mandarin oil throughout your home or workplace.

Monoterpenes (up to 97%): Limonene (<75%), γ-Terpinene (<18%); a- & B- pineses, B-myrcene, terpinolene, p-cymene; Aldehydes: decanal, octanal; Esters: methyl n-methyl anthranilate; Alcohols: linalool, citronellol, nerol.

Blends well with

Basil, bergamot, clary safe, frankincense, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, marjoram, orange, Roman chamomile, sandalwood, spearmint.

Yogurt Recipe using Green Mandarin Oil

One of my favorite ways to use the citrus oils from doTERRA is in my yogurt. Here is a recipe for the Green Mandarin. Use this oil to make a healthy breakfast that uplifts your mood and brightens your day!

Jennie Knourek

Herbalist, Phyto/Aromatherapist & Wellness Advocate. Trained Massage Therapist


Owner/Admin of and Crunchy Biker Clubhouse and Healthy Happy Strong Tribe on Facebook

Join my FREE Online Class to Learn More about Essential Oils